Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Thursday, May 28, 2009

23 weeks

Little Elle currently has the hiccups, actually she usually has the hiccups, just like her big sister did! I feel her moving all the time, it's rare that an hour goes by and I don't feel some kind of movement. Between the hiccups and her seemingly high activity level, I get a happy little reminder that she's there quite often. I was told that hiccupping is good for the diaphragm development, so I feel like she is continuing to be a strong, healthy baby thus far. She should be about 11 inches long and possibly just over a pound. Her sense of hearing is getting keener, and blood vessels in her lungs are developing in preparation for breathing outside of the womb. I am really growing a connection with her and getting more excited as the weeks go by. We're almost to 6 months, I can't believe it!

4D ultrasound image of a baby that has their hand up by their face like Elle did during our ultrasound

Thursday, May 21, 2009

22 weeks

I have been terrible at keeping up with my blogs lately...I can't believe I'm already 5.5 months! On the pregnancy ticker at the top it says I only have 126 days to go. The time is really flying by, having Aila and my job keeping me busy helps a lot. I am getting more and more excited to have another little girl each day, I've even picked out the bedding and am starting to plan what I want for her nursery. The room is actually going to be painted a pretty light blue, and the colors will be blue, orange and pink. Here is a picture of the bedding and decor I have chosen:

Elle is kicking around so much right at the moment! She is so active, it makes me so happy to feel all of the movement. It is always so reassuring, I loved that with Aila's pregnancy as well. This is going to sound's hard to explain...but with Aila I felt like I had a feeling for her personality based on her behavior in the womb. I always told Ross I felt like Aila was going to be laid back but have a very feisty side to her, and that is exactly how she is! Aila always poked back when I prodded her and she would squirm and turn away. She didn't seem to like to be bothered (I don't blame the poor thing, by the end she didn't have much room!!) With Elle...she moves a lot, but it's different...she doesn't seem to have the feist-this sounds so dumb I know! But it seems like she is definitely going to be different, she seems like she is energetic and full of life. I can definitely see us having trouble with getting her to sleep through the nights and she is going to be a cuddly baby. Of course I hope I'm not right about the sleeping part, but we shall see.

At 21 weeks Elle was about 10.5 inches (the length is measured head-to-toe now rather than crown-to-rump). This week she is nearly 11 inches, and getting closer to weighing 1 pound. She has eyebrows and eyelids as of last week, and this week she is looking more like a tiny newborn as her facial features grow more distinct. The skin is still very thin and wrinkled, as fat has not started accumulating underneath and It is also covered by the lanugo.

I continue to feel great, but I definitely get very tired out from work and chasing Aila around. I go to bed quite a bit earlier--the other night I went to bed at 7:30 as soon as I put Aila down! I'm still doing well maintaining my weight, and am super happy about that. I am going to have to keep up with exercising though, the hunger is starting to pick up. If I don't eat at least a little something every few hours and drink plenty of water my body is definitely letting me know.

Okay, sorry if this picture is disturbing to anyone, but I find it absolutely amazing. It really shows that there is a tiny person in there. During an en utero procedure to correct spina bifida the baby grasped the doctor's finger, and the moment was captured in this photo:

21 weeks and 6 days is also the record for the most premature baby to ever survive. We are growing closer and closer to the age of viability, I will feel so much better once we have passed this time, but I do find comfort in the advances medicine has taken in case something were to happen. Here's to hoping little Elle stays in there and incubates for many more weeks to come and grows into a healthy, happy little baby. Anyway, this is the best picture I could come up with for 22 weeks. As you can see, the uterus is getting up past the belly button and I can tell my growth is right on because I feel most of my kicks right in the area where the baby's legs are pictured. As far as I can tell, she is staying mostly in the head down position, I only ever feel kicks and a lot of movement near my belly button. However, the other day she was investigating my pubic bone and this is something I am not fond of! Aila did the same thing, it was like I could feel her little hands moving over my bone--such a strange feeling!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's official...

We finally know who it is in there! Miss Elle Jolie was very active during the ultrasound today, and she was very stubborn, keeping her arms up in front of her face nearly the whole time! We did get some cool pictures though, and it was just a relief to see a healthy little baby in there. She was laying head down, feet up with the bulk of her body along my right side. I didn't get the official length, although she should be nearing 6.5 inches. Her heart rate was about 150bpm. The doctor also told me that she weighed about 12 oz.

This is such a cool picture, I've never seen an ultrasound image like this one. She's covering her little face

Still with the hands over her face, kind of makes for a strange profile!

Face shot

Her little foot!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

19 weeks/17 weeks fetal age

I've been slacking a little bit on updating, I'm 19 weeks 3 days today. It was very exciting, at work today I kept feeling the baby moving all around while I was walking and when I sat down I pushed down lightly on my stomach and felt a strong jab right back. This was the first time that I have felt movement externally so far, and it was really cool. I think feeling the movements and getting reactions when you prod them is the greatest part of pregnancy. It can be pretty strange, I don't remember ever feeling Aila moving while I was walking, it is such an odd sensation! I'm really starting to notice how much bigger the baby is getting that is for sure! My stomach was a little lopsided and when I pressed on one side it was soft, and on the bulging part it was hard and the baby started squirming all around, and I could really feel (oh, just felt a kick!) exactly where the baby was.

At 18 weeks baby was 5.5 in and 7 oz, and has grown to approximately 6 in and weighs 8.5 oz. Baby is actually starting to get cramped in there as (s)he is in proportion now as far as her arms and legs with the body. This week the sensory development is exploding as the brain starts designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, touch and vision. I can only imagine what it feels like for baby when I poke and prod from outside! Baby may even be hearing now, especially my voice. When I was pregnant with Aila I was always listening to music, and today she couldn't be more into music and dancing. I wonder if exposure in the womb has any effect on their interest in music... it will be so interesting to see the differences and similarities between Aila and Baby Meyer 2. We will be finding out on Tuesday just who is in there--Harvey or Elle! I am getting so anxious and excited. The last time we had an ultrasound was at about 9 weeks and the changes are going to be amazing. We'll finally see the tiny person they've grown into!
18 weeks
19 weeks