Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Thursday, April 16, 2009

17 weeks/15 weeks fetal age

I had my monthly check-up with Dr. Craig yesterday and everything is going well. The baby's heart rate was in the 130s and I am right where I should be with growth, my uterus is about in the middle of my pelvic bone and my belly button.

This week baby's skeleton is beginning to turn into hard bone from soft cartilage. The umbilical cord is also growing longer and thicker. Baby's weight is about 5 ounces and is also about 5 inches long from crown to rump. The sweat glands are starting to develop this week as well.

I still feel great, I still don't really feel pregnant for the most part. Work is definitely tiring and I take advantage when Aila naps and goes to sleep. At my appointment yesterday I found out that I've actually lost a pound in the last month, which doesn't surprise me too much. I'm on my feet and super active all day and I've been conscious of what I eat. I really don't need to gain any weight besides the actual weight of the baby, fluid, placenta and that stuff. I don't really need any fat stores this time around, that's for sure! I just feel so much smaller and more comfortable this time around, I really can't complain. I've got my little pregnant belly going, and other than that I don't really look any different. :)

1 comment:

  1. can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl!!
