Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Thursday, March 5, 2009

11 weeks LMP/9 weeks fetal age

Baby is about 1.5 inches long this week and is almost fully formed. The hands will soon be able to open and close into tiny fists and the tooth buds are even beginning to form beneath the gums. As some of the bones begin to harden, baby is busy kicking around and stretching and may even start having hiccups as the diaphragm is formed. (Aila had hiccups at least 5 times a day, it will be fun if Baby 2 does as well, it's so cool to feel!) Here's a picture to show just how much baby is beginning to look like a baby!

I am feeling pretty good in general these days. I still have my moments in the evening, but the sickness is really waning. Thank goodness, because as the sickness wanes my energy levels increase and I have sure needed the energy boost! Sometimes when I eat it really makes my belly stick out and I look pretty pregnant, but for the most part no one would be able to see any difference from the outside. I know how much my waist has changed though, my pants are definitely getting tighter. I'm really happy I haven't gained anywhere else though, I'm on a way better track this time around! I'm actually getting a little excited for the pregnant belly, I don't know why but I enjoy it (up until the end when the baby --Aila-- gains 3 pounds in a week and you suddenly feel like you're going to burst!)

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