I'm officially full term now, crazy! It's 2 days and 2 weeks until the due date! I can't believe it has been almost 2 months since I've blogged, it has all flown by so quickly. My last doctor's appointment was on the 1st of this month and she checked me and said I was 2-3 cm and 60% effaced. I have been having really strong Braxton Hicks contraction in increasing amounts, especially when I'm at work. Work is killer, but I am so close to being done! My last scheduled day is a week from this Thursday, the 17th. I had today off, I work tomorrow and Thursday then have Friday off and finish out working 6 days in a row. But them I'm DONE! And of course it could be sooner, one never knows when Elle is going to make her debut! I have reached that point in the pregnancy where I am ready to be done. I really can't complain, my back is holding up ok, and my baby sling has really been helping at work. I get a decent amount of sleep, I wake up 2-3 times a night to pee, but am able to get right back to sleep. I've gained a total of 15 pounds so far this pregnancy, which isn't saying much because I still had weight to lose from my previous pregnancy, but I'm happy. I am way more comfortable this time around not lugging around so much extra weight, I'm like 30 pounds lighter than last time which is crazy. The worst part of it all is peoples' comments every day at work. People are so annoying, it's driving my nuts. People are already saying, "You haven't had that baby yet?!" (And I haven't even reached my due date yet.) And then there's the "Oh you've dropped even more today" or "You're really big." I just want to say, SHUT UP! I'm big, for sure, because I'm NINE MONTHS PREGNANT! But I'm really not big for how far along I am. Granted, Aila gained a ton in just the last 2.5 weeks or so, ending up being 9 lbs 1 oz, but I'm predicting Elle is going to be in the 8 lb range.
I painted this picture for Elle's room
I got all of my breast feeding supplies together and cleaned up!
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