8 weeks...I still can't decide if time is going by fast or slow. Baby has webbed fingers and toes on his/her little hands and feet. There are breathing tubes extending from the throat to the developing lungs and that alien tail is nearly gone! Neural pathways are just beginning to form in the tiny brain-so amazing! Baby is about the size of a kidney bean, a cute little bean at that.

I have been so incredibly tired, I'm getting really tired of it! I hope this sickness only lasts through the first trimester like it did with Aila (or less, of course!) I always feel dehydrated no matter how much water I drink. I swear I could sit and do nothing but drink water and I would still feel thirsty. I don't know what the deal is with that! I just have this general queasiness all the time. I get a craving for something, I HAVE to eat it or else-and I feel OK while I eat it and then soon after I start feeling queasy again. I just rarely feel comfortable. :( Only a few more weeks of this! **Hopefully**
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