Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Arrival of Baby Elle Jolie Meyer

She's here, happy and healthy!

September 12, 2009 at 8:55pm

7 lbs 11 oz, 20.5 in

On Saturday afternoon around 2:15 my water broke after a day full of cleaning and laundry. I was supposed to be to work at 2:30, but Elle was ready to meet the world! This time the water just started trickling out, rather than a big gush, and then continued to leak each time she would move upwards or if I moved in a certain way. Ross took Aila and Coral to his parents and I jumped in the shower. We packed our bags and got ready, stopped for some Wendy's, then arrived at the hospital around 3:30. They verified that my water had indeed broken and that I was about 3.5 cm dilated. I started feeling contractions around the time we arrived at the hospital. They did continue to get more regular and stronger, but they weren't too bad. We moved to our labor and delivery room and got settled in. We walked around the hospital for about an hour to try and get things moving along. I had a few good contractions while walking around, and I felt pretty ready for an epidural by the end of the walk! However, once we got back and I settled down on the bed they decreased in strength. It was getting towards 7pm and my contractions weren't progressing, so the doctor recommended starting pitocin. I was eager to get started, as I was really wanting to have her before midnight, and the way things were going, it didn't seem likely! So the nurse put in an IV and started the pitocin at 0.5 strength. The attending physician came in and introduced herself and told the nurse to crank the pitocin to 1 to get things going. The contractions started to get really intense and I was quite ready to get the epidural. The anesthesiologist came pretty quickly and put it in. He jokingly said, "Usually patients have their babies within an hour after I put in the epidural." We all laughed and thought that was pretty funny. The time my epidural was put in was 7:55pm. After about 15 minutes I started feeling a lot of relief, but it was short-lived. The epidural was only affecting my right half, so I still had full feeling on my left. They were able to fix it, thank goodness, because all of a sudden I was feeling a ton of pressure and the nurse decided she would check me. Surprise, I was at 9cm! At this time it was 8:40pm. They were shocked, and had to scramble a bit to get ready. Two residents came in and they got everything set-up and as they were working I started feeling the urge to push, it all went so quickly! They checked me and I was fully dilated, and Elle was at station +2, all ready to go! With about 3 pushes she was right there, one more push and she would have been out but I had to stop and wait for the attending physician. It seemed like forever, but she actually came really fast. I pushed once more and her head was out and continued pushing to get her shoulders out, and then she was here-at 8:55pm, exactly one hour after my epidural! She was covered in vernix still, so she was all white, which was really surprising. Ross cut her cord and they laid her on my chest. She didn't open her eyes for a while, she laid on my chest and whimpered a little bit, then seemed like she went right to sleep! We rubbed her back to get her to keep crying, she had the sweetest little cry. It was so amazing meeting her finally, she was absolutely adorable. From her light strawberry blonde hair to her long fingers and sweet little toes, she's amazing! She looks so much like me as a baby, it is crazy. She definitely has my nose. While she laid on me they delivered the afterbirth and it only took like 5 minutes, I was amazed. Everything just happened so fast, it was almost unbelievable. After laying on me for 20 minutes or so I noticed she was showing signs of wanting to nurse, so I tried it and she latched right on! She nursed on both sides like a champ! It was such a beautiful experience all-around, everything was perfect. After a while the nurse took her off of me and got her weighed and measured. She had to warm her up a bit, and then gave her her first bath right there in the room. She didn't like that too much! Ross finally got to hold her after that, he was so happy. I got her back and just enjoyed holding her until we moved to our final room. I nursed her a couple more times and she slept like a champ. We ended up keeping her in the room with us the entire time we were there. Grandma and Grandpa Meyer were the first to meet her on Sunday morning and brought Big Sister Aila to meet her baby sister. Aila was so excited and kept calling her "Sissy" and wanted to hug and kiss her and point out her nose, eyes and ears. It was so sweet to hold them both in my arms and have Aila be so excited. I had been imagining that moment for a long time, wondering how exactly Aila would react. Later on that day Missy and Erica stopped by, along with her Great Aunt Marcia and Great Uncle Rich. Papa and Nana McKay came with Uncle Keaton, her Great Aunt Carolyn and cousins Megan and Madison. Everything was just great, it couldn't have gone any better. We cuddled, we slept, we nursed, enjoyed our time. We were discharged on Monday around noon and were definitely anxious to get home. So anxious in fact, rather than waiting around for a wheel chair, after a while we just up and left and I walked out! Getting home felt great, Elle and I went straight to napping while Ross went to a doctor's appointment. When he got back we went to pick up Aila but she had come down with a cold so she couldn't come home. It ended up that she had developed an ear infection along with a cold, so she wasn't doing very well at all. She didn't end up coming home until Wednesday night. I missed Aila and felt terrible that I couldn't be there when she wasn't feeling well and wanted me so badly. It was a huge wakeup call to what it was going to be like having two kids, only being one person I will have decisions to make and I'll just have to do my best. It was nice to sleep and get some alone time with Elle, but I absolutely adore my two girls and having them together.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Week 37

I'm officially full term now, crazy! It's 2 days and 2 weeks until the due date! I can't believe it has been almost 2 months since I've blogged, it has all flown by so quickly. My last doctor's appointment was on the 1st of this month and she checked me and said I was 2-3 cm and 60% effaced. I have been having really strong Braxton Hicks contraction in increasing amounts, especially when I'm at work. Work is killer, but I am so close to being done! My last scheduled day is a week from this Thursday, the 17th. I had today off, I work tomorrow and Thursday then have Friday off and finish out working 6 days in a row. But them I'm DONE! And of course it could be sooner, one never knows when Elle is going to make her debut! I have reached that point in the pregnancy where I am ready to be done. I really can't complain, my back is holding up ok, and my baby sling has really been helping at work. I get a decent amount of sleep, I wake up 2-3 times a night to pee, but am able to get right back to sleep. I've gained a total of 15 pounds so far this pregnancy, which isn't saying much because I still had weight to lose from my previous pregnancy, but I'm happy. I am way more comfortable this time around not lugging around so much extra weight, I'm like 30 pounds lighter than last time which is crazy. The worst part of it all is peoples' comments every day at work. People are so annoying, it's driving my nuts. People are already saying, "You haven't had that baby yet?!" (And I haven't even reached my due date yet.) And then there's the "Oh you've dropped even more today" or "You're really big." I just want to say, SHUT UP! I'm big, for sure, because I'm NINE MONTHS PREGNANT! But I'm really not big for how far along I am. Granted, Aila gained a ton in just the last 2.5 weeks or so, ending up being 9 lbs 1 oz, but I'm predicting Elle is going to be in the 8 lb range.
Ross was in Arizona for almost 3 weeks and while he was gone I got a ton done on the house. Mike and Cheri helped me so much, it was amazing. When Ross got back we picked up the furniture and put it together and in just the past couple of days we put finishing touches on the room. It is absolutely beautiful and I love it! I have all of her clothes washed and sorted, organized and put away. I just need to bring my little girl home!

I painted this picture for Elle's room
I got all of my breast feeding supplies together and cleaned up!

Friday, July 24, 2009

31 Weeks

Almost 8 months, 9 weeks max (hopefully!!) left--it's just unreal how quickly the time is going! Elle is over 3 pounds, about 3.3 to be exact, and about 16 inches long. She can turn her head from side to side and still has room to do sumersaults and I can definitely tell. This baby is so active! She's all about being up in my ribs and stretching out from time-to-time. I love looking down at my stomach and all of a sudden seeing a limb bulge out from my belly and watching the shape of it change. These last months are all about growing, and I am going to venture a guess and say she's got at least 5 more pounds to gain, we shall see!

I'm still feeling well, but definitely slowing down a bit compared to before. Tired, I'm just all-around tired, but Aila and work keep me on the move. I definitely know this is a good thing, it's so easy to just lay around and I swear I could sleep all day every day away, so I'm grateful to have Aila to keep me busy and occupied, and work to keep me on my toes and have somewhere to be, passing the time away so quickly. I can't express how much I look forward to meeting Elle and seeing Aila interact with her and having some time to just be home with my girls, it's the motivation that keeps me going each day. I'm up to the bi-weekly doctor appointments and each appointment is still "quick" and easy, and all is well. Her heartbeat is consistently in the 140s and I am measuring right on, with very little to no weight gain each week. Aila has come to a few appointments with me and she is showing some interest in my growing belly. She is mainly interested in my strange looking belly button though! She listened to Elle's heartbeat very intently, looking a little confused at Tuesday's appointment. She can't comprehend what's going on, but it's definitely great to see her interest peaking a little, and I definitely think by the time she's 18 months and Elle is born, Aila is going to have a descent grasp as to what's going on. I think she's going to be a wonderful big sister and will be a great helper. :)

I am super excited, I finally have all of the furniture for the room picked out and found a great deal. I have had the bedding picked out for a while, and Cheri bought us a great crib at a garage sale a while ago and I've been searching for matching furniture. It is a beautiful crib and I was so grateful that she got it for us, as we really have started with nothing for this nursery! However, there are only 2 matching pieces that exist and they have been sold out everywhere. I think the collection may be discontinued. So we started considering buying used furniture and refinishing, or just buying pieces that didn't match. After looking at many different places though, we began to realize that for the price of something used, we may as well just buy new. So I've just been looking and looking at different websites on-line, watching out for garage sales, checking Craigslist, but I really hadn't found anything. Then yesterday I found exactly what I've been looking for: Nursery in a box! It's a 3 piece set--crib, changing table and dresser--that are in cherry, which is the color I had wanted to do from the beginning. It's 3, brand new, matching pieces all for $230! Here is a picture:

Here's a picture of the bedding again:

And here is a picture of the rocker I have picked out:

I know exactly how I'm going to set up the furniture and I am definitely going to paint the walls light blue with the matching border around like in the picture above. I am really excited, we finally have Aila's room all settled, so now we are starting to prepare Elle's nursery. Yay!
By the way, I did set up a registry on It's consists pretty much of the coordinating decorations and such that go with the bedding set, some storage/organization items, stuff for feeding/breastfeeding, and some other random stuff. The only things not on there are a crib mattress and a changing pad for the changing table, because I didn't find any reasonable ones on their website. I found that Walmart has GREAT prices on baby stuff. I just thought I'd put a registry together just in case. If anyone wants to get us something and they don't see anything on the registry, something as simple as diapers or wipes would be so appreciated, as we will have 2 in diapers very shortly! Anyway, the Registry Number is: 46008638 or you can find it by searching for Ashley Meyer as the registrant or Ross Meyer as the co-registrant at the babies r us website or store. :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

30 weeks

Baby Elle is nearly 3 pounds now and is about 15.7 inches long. She still has a fair amount of room to move around compared to the coming weeks as she gains another 4 to 6 or so pounds (what I am estimating, hopefully she'll be around 7, no more than 9!) Her eyesight is still developing although her eyes are closed much of the time. She can see some light that may filter through my belly. Her vision right now is 20/400!

I am feeling large and pregnant at this point! People aren't telling me that I'm small anymore either...I still have 10 weeks or so to go and I already have people asking me if I'm ready to pop soon! People really can be kind of annoying, the worst comment is, "Oh, you still have the WHOLE summer left." I donno, it's just kind of annoying. I actually enjoy being pregnant in the summer, Aila and I have been going for as many walks and trips to the park as possible and trying to enjoy the weather. I'm still able to do my 3 mile walk a few times a week, so until I can't do that I don't have much to complain about. Getting comfortable at night is getting increasingly harder, and my back is starting to hurt after being at work for a few hours. It was especially brutal this week, as I had to work 9 days in a row. I'm just generally tired all of the time, but I can still push through it and do everything I need to do. Every now and then I get indigestion and heart burn, but it's not too bad (yet). Elle continues to be very active and as always, I enjoy that! I really feel good about being at 30 weeks. Chances of survival at any time after this point are very high, and just being in the 30s we're really in that final stretch! I can't believe I've been pregnant for over half a year!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

28 Weeks-3rd Trimester Begins!

Reaching the third trimester, I really feel like we're hitting the home stretch, although there is a fair amount of time left. Hopefully a maximum of 12 weeks, we definitely don't want to be over-due! I am so curious to see how big she actually gets because I still feel pretty small for how far along we are. Aila grew a couple pounds in the last like 2 weeks though, I'm sure, so you never know!
By this week she weighs around 2 and a quarter pounds and measures 14.8 inches long. Her blinking eyelids now sport eyelashes. She may now be able to see some of the light that filters through my belly. Her brain continues rapid neuron development and she is adding more and more body fat.
She sure is a strong little thing, and I continue to enjoy her continuous movements. Rather than moving away when you poke her like Aila did, Elle likes to push right on back. She squirms around in protest if my bladder gets too full or if I lay on my side and put pressure on her, she likes her space and I don't blame her! It's only going to continue to get more and more cramped! I was realizing today that I have yet to develop the linea negra that most women get when they are pregnant. I did get it with Aila's pregnancy, I wonder if it will still happen. Anyway, I'm feeling great, Aila and I even went for a 3 mile walk the other day. The worst part for me is the restless leg syndrome. Sometimes it is unbearable at night when I am trying to get to sleep and I toss and turn over and over. There's not much you can do for it either, except try to stretch or walk it out, but it is so hard when you're tired and just trying to get to sleep. I definitely won't miss those horrible sensations! Tuesday I have my 28 week appointment, and until 36 weeks I'll now be going bi-weekly. I have hopefully a maximum of 9 check-up appointments left, but who's counting?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

27 weeks

Wow, I can't believe it's been a month since I have posted! Time is absolutely flying by, as I am super busy pretty much every second of each day it seems. A week and a day after my last post I woke up at about 6am feeling awful. I got out of bed and went straight into the bathroom to throw up. I was confused at first, wondering why morning sickness would randomly be flaring up, but then I realized I had come down with the flu. It was really awful, I haven't had the flu in years and years, and pregnancy definitely isn't the time to be so sick. I went to my doctor who prescribed some anti-nausea medication, but it didn't really help. All I could stomach was toast, and it was even hard to drink water. I sucked on ice cubes of water and pedialyte as much as I could stand to try to stay hydrated. I was supposed to work that Friday and Saturday, but obviously couldn't. I was feeling better by Sunday, but still weak, especially since I still couldn't eat or hardly drink. I had to go to work that day, and towards the end of my shift I threw up again and was feeling progressively worse. I had to stay at work another hour before I could come home, and by the time I got home I was absolutely miserable. I was doubled over with incredible pain, I was so scared that I was in labor. I had never felt such pain before or since labor with Aila. I called my OB/GYN office and talked to the doctor on-call who told me to go to the Labor and Delivery Triage at the hospital. I was so scared, I really thought I was going into labor, the awful cramps kept coming in waves and I honestly couldn't tell if it was my uterus or my stomach/bowels cramping. At the hospital I was immediately hooked up to the monitors and saw Elle's strong heartbeat, and that it was not contractions, thank goodness. They said that I was dehydrated and that it was probably just the last of the flu virus working its way out of my system. I received several IV bags of fluid, as well as some anti-nausea medication that really helped. They did some blood work and found that I had critically low potassium levels so I had to stay to get an IV bag of potassium as well. I ended up being there for about 5 hours, and I felt much better by the time I left. I was just so relieved that Elle was okay, that is all that really mattered. The next day, Monday, I luckily had the day off, and Aila had been taken by Ross over to the Meyer's when I went to the hospital, so I ended up sleeping literally all day, I didn't even finally get out of bed until close to 3pm! I was so worn out from being sick, it was so nice to finally get some restful sleep.
Anyway, so I have a lot of catching up to do! Let's start with 24 weeks...

At 24 weeks, she had gained about 4 ounces from the previous week, putting her just over a pound and over a foot in length. Her brain was continuing to grow quickly and the taste buds were continuing to develop. The lungs started developing branches and the cells that produce surfactant.

Here's the 6 month mark belly shot, still pretty small!

25 weeks

This week she was about 1.5 lbs and 13.5 inches long. The baby fat began developing this week, which smooths out the thin, wrinkly skin. At this point hair texture and color was discernable.

26 weeks

As the network of nerves in the ears continued to develop, this week marked the point when she may have began hearing voices outside of the womb, so not only my voice, but possibly Ross' as well. She continued to inhale and exhale small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is critical for lung development. These breathing movements are also good practice for when she finally takes her first breath of air. The fat continus accumulation under the skin, and weight was a pound and two thirds, while her length was about 14 inches.

27 weeks

This week she is nearing 2 pounds and is about 14.5 inches long from head to toe. She is sleeping and waking at regular intervals (which I can't tell, because it seems she moves constantly.) She is now opening and closing her eyes, and even sucking on her fingers. With more brain tissue developing, her brain is now very active.

In the past week my stomach has really popped. I've been measuring normally at each doctor's visit, but I have felt really small. People were always commenting on how they couldn't believe I was 6 months along because my belly was so little, but that quickly changed overnight it seemed! I am still pretty comfortable, but all I can say is I "feel pregnant." I am much more aware of the growing bump and its weight. I'm getting to the point where it's getting more and more difficult to get comfortable at night and get to sleep. I absolutely can't lay on my back, it's not comfortable at all, and even rolling over from side-to-side is harder. I still have a ways to go though, and I am definitely still enjoying my fair amount of mobility. I can still shave my legs, reach my feet and bend over fairly easily, so I'm happy. Elle moves so much, and I absolutely love it. She is always adjusting and doing who knows what in there. It's really obvious when she changes position now, as she's getting bigger and bigger. My belly flattens out and gets so much smaller when her back is against mine. Then when she has her back to one side, you can see the uneven bulge. If her back is against my stomach, I am really sticking out then! I just really notice how much I change shape, sometimes I have a tiny little ball, other times i have a big torpedo belly. From time-to-time I am experiencing heartburn, which is not fun. Colostrum has started developing in the past couple of weeks, but it's not bothersome. I must say, I definitely enjoyed my break, but I will definitely breastfeed again. 89 days to go...I can't believe it. So far so good, just normal, healthy and uneventful, just the way we want it. I can't wait to meet Miss Elle, every day I am getting more and more excited for that day in September. We have so much to do before then! I've really had to fight off some of those nesting instincts, because we're just not at a point where we can really concentrate on a new nursery just yet. Soon enough though, it's flying by so fast!!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

23 weeks

Little Elle currently has the hiccups, actually she usually has the hiccups, just like her big sister did! I feel her moving all the time, it's rare that an hour goes by and I don't feel some kind of movement. Between the hiccups and her seemingly high activity level, I get a happy little reminder that she's there quite often. I was told that hiccupping is good for the diaphragm development, so I feel like she is continuing to be a strong, healthy baby thus far. She should be about 11 inches long and possibly just over a pound. Her sense of hearing is getting keener, and blood vessels in her lungs are developing in preparation for breathing outside of the womb. I am really growing a connection with her and getting more excited as the weeks go by. We're almost to 6 months, I can't believe it!

4D ultrasound image of a baby that has their hand up by their face like Elle did during our ultrasound

Thursday, May 21, 2009

22 weeks

I have been terrible at keeping up with my blogs lately...I can't believe I'm already 5.5 months! On the pregnancy ticker at the top it says I only have 126 days to go. The time is really flying by, having Aila and my job keeping me busy helps a lot. I am getting more and more excited to have another little girl each day, I've even picked out the bedding and am starting to plan what I want for her nursery. The room is actually going to be painted a pretty light blue, and the colors will be blue, orange and pink. Here is a picture of the bedding and decor I have chosen:

Elle is kicking around so much right at the moment! She is so active, it makes me so happy to feel all of the movement. It is always so reassuring, I loved that with Aila's pregnancy as well. This is going to sound's hard to explain...but with Aila I felt like I had a feeling for her personality based on her behavior in the womb. I always told Ross I felt like Aila was going to be laid back but have a very feisty side to her, and that is exactly how she is! Aila always poked back when I prodded her and she would squirm and turn away. She didn't seem to like to be bothered (I don't blame the poor thing, by the end she didn't have much room!!) With Elle...she moves a lot, but it's different...she doesn't seem to have the feist-this sounds so dumb I know! But it seems like she is definitely going to be different, she seems like she is energetic and full of life. I can definitely see us having trouble with getting her to sleep through the nights and she is going to be a cuddly baby. Of course I hope I'm not right about the sleeping part, but we shall see.

At 21 weeks Elle was about 10.5 inches (the length is measured head-to-toe now rather than crown-to-rump). This week she is nearly 11 inches, and getting closer to weighing 1 pound. She has eyebrows and eyelids as of last week, and this week she is looking more like a tiny newborn as her facial features grow more distinct. The skin is still very thin and wrinkled, as fat has not started accumulating underneath and It is also covered by the lanugo.

I continue to feel great, but I definitely get very tired out from work and chasing Aila around. I go to bed quite a bit earlier--the other night I went to bed at 7:30 as soon as I put Aila down! I'm still doing well maintaining my weight, and am super happy about that. I am going to have to keep up with exercising though, the hunger is starting to pick up. If I don't eat at least a little something every few hours and drink plenty of water my body is definitely letting me know.

Okay, sorry if this picture is disturbing to anyone, but I find it absolutely amazing. It really shows that there is a tiny person in there. During an en utero procedure to correct spina bifida the baby grasped the doctor's finger, and the moment was captured in this photo:

21 weeks and 6 days is also the record for the most premature baby to ever survive. We are growing closer and closer to the age of viability, I will feel so much better once we have passed this time, but I do find comfort in the advances medicine has taken in case something were to happen. Here's to hoping little Elle stays in there and incubates for many more weeks to come and grows into a healthy, happy little baby. Anyway, this is the best picture I could come up with for 22 weeks. As you can see, the uterus is getting up past the belly button and I can tell my growth is right on because I feel most of my kicks right in the area where the baby's legs are pictured. As far as I can tell, she is staying mostly in the head down position, I only ever feel kicks and a lot of movement near my belly button. However, the other day she was investigating my pubic bone and this is something I am not fond of! Aila did the same thing, it was like I could feel her little hands moving over my bone--such a strange feeling!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's official...

We finally know who it is in there! Miss Elle Jolie was very active during the ultrasound today, and she was very stubborn, keeping her arms up in front of her face nearly the whole time! We did get some cool pictures though, and it was just a relief to see a healthy little baby in there. She was laying head down, feet up with the bulk of her body along my right side. I didn't get the official length, although she should be nearing 6.5 inches. Her heart rate was about 150bpm. The doctor also told me that she weighed about 12 oz.

This is such a cool picture, I've never seen an ultrasound image like this one. She's covering her little face

Still with the hands over her face, kind of makes for a strange profile!

Face shot

Her little foot!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

19 weeks/17 weeks fetal age

I've been slacking a little bit on updating, I'm 19 weeks 3 days today. It was very exciting, at work today I kept feeling the baby moving all around while I was walking and when I sat down I pushed down lightly on my stomach and felt a strong jab right back. This was the first time that I have felt movement externally so far, and it was really cool. I think feeling the movements and getting reactions when you prod them is the greatest part of pregnancy. It can be pretty strange, I don't remember ever feeling Aila moving while I was walking, it is such an odd sensation! I'm really starting to notice how much bigger the baby is getting that is for sure! My stomach was a little lopsided and when I pressed on one side it was soft, and on the bulging part it was hard and the baby started squirming all around, and I could really feel (oh, just felt a kick!) exactly where the baby was.

At 18 weeks baby was 5.5 in and 7 oz, and has grown to approximately 6 in and weighs 8.5 oz. Baby is actually starting to get cramped in there as (s)he is in proportion now as far as her arms and legs with the body. This week the sensory development is exploding as the brain starts designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, touch and vision. I can only imagine what it feels like for baby when I poke and prod from outside! Baby may even be hearing now, especially my voice. When I was pregnant with Aila I was always listening to music, and today she couldn't be more into music and dancing. I wonder if exposure in the womb has any effect on their interest in music... it will be so interesting to see the differences and similarities between Aila and Baby Meyer 2. We will be finding out on Tuesday just who is in there--Harvey or Elle! I am getting so anxious and excited. The last time we had an ultrasound was at about 9 weeks and the changes are going to be amazing. We'll finally see the tiny person they've grown into!
18 weeks
19 weeks

Thursday, April 16, 2009

17 weeks/15 weeks fetal age

I had my monthly check-up with Dr. Craig yesterday and everything is going well. The baby's heart rate was in the 130s and I am right where I should be with growth, my uterus is about in the middle of my pelvic bone and my belly button.

This week baby's skeleton is beginning to turn into hard bone from soft cartilage. The umbilical cord is also growing longer and thicker. Baby's weight is about 5 ounces and is also about 5 inches long from crown to rump. The sweat glands are starting to develop this week as well.

I still feel great, I still don't really feel pregnant for the most part. Work is definitely tiring and I take advantage when Aila naps and goes to sleep. At my appointment yesterday I found out that I've actually lost a pound in the last month, which doesn't surprise me too much. I'm on my feet and super active all day and I've been conscious of what I eat. I really don't need to gain any weight besides the actual weight of the baby, fluid, placenta and that stuff. I don't really need any fat stores this time around, that's for sure! I just feel so much smaller and more comfortable this time around, I really can't complain. I've got my little pregnant belly going, and other than that I don't really look any different. :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

16 weeks/14 weeks fetal age

I have been so busy with work it has been hard to fit in time for blogging! Today I am 16 weeks along...but let's start with last week's development at 15 weeks...

At 15 weeks baby measured about 4 inches and weighed 2.5 ounces. Amniotic fluid has been moving in and out of the upper respiratory system, aiding in the development of the primitive air sacs in the lungs. The legs have grown longer than the arms and baby has been moving all of its joints and limbs. The eyelids remain fused shut, however baby is able to sense light. If I were to shine a flashlight onto my stomach, baby would most likely move away from the light.

16 weeks, I can't believe it--it feels like it is going by so fast! On this exact day of my pregnancy with Aila we had her ultrasound and found out we were having a little girl! We have to wait until 20 week for Baby Meyer 2, and we can hardly wait to find out if it's Elle or Harvey growing in there! I just felt Baby move for the first time Tuesday night while I was lying quietly in bed. This was the exact same time I felt Aila for the first time as well, it was very exciting! I can't wait to feel it more and get to see the movements. It was always so entertaining to just lay there and watch my stomach moving up and down.

Baby is now 4.5 inches and weighs 3.5 ounces (I am still amazed at how quickly they grow!) Baby's legs are much more developed, the head is more erect than it has been, and the eyes have moved closer to the front of baby's head. The little ears are close to their final position, too. The patterning of the scalp has begun, though no hair can yet be seen. The toes are even starting to gain little toenails! There's also a lot happening inside; the heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, and this amount will continue to increase as baby continues to develop.

Ok, this picture is a little creepy...but it's also quite fascinating. You can really see how thin the skin is, being able to view even the bones inside of the wrists and hands.

I'm feeling so great this time around, I can't get over it! I have so much more energy and am able to be a lot more active. Whenever I can, I take Aila out for a walk that is at least a mile. I usually don't have a lot of time, but if possible we try to go at least 2 miles. I am getting so excited for the warmer weather, it feels so good to get outside and get some fresh air with Aila. I relish every day, because I know that tougher times are ahead as I continue to get a bigger belly. I am really showing now, there's no hiding that I'm pregnant, that's for sure! People are starting to notice at work-like customers and other employees I hadn't told. I am still wearing my regular pants though, but they're almost to the point where they are riding too low since my waist has disappeared. I couldn't be happier that they still fit in the legs though, because I had such a hard time with the weight gain the first time around. I have been determined to gain only the amount I need to. It has definitely been easier since I haven't had many cravings (except for healthy things like oranges, apples, pickles and cottage cheese!) and work gives me a lot more structure with eating, forcing me to really think about my food choices. I'm not perfect, I still like my sweets, but I'm proud the changes I've made.
When you start feeling the baby move it makes the pregnancy so much more real, and I am getting more and more excited by the day! Ross is getting more excited as well, really looking forward to finding out the gender, watching my belly grow and eventually being able to see and feel the movements. When that happens it really helps him connect more and makes it a lot more real for him as well.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

14 weeks/12 weeks fetal age

Last week I was in Nashville so I didn't get a chance to update for week 13 so here it goes...

Baby has fingerprints on its teeny fingertips and has paper thin skin. The organs and veins can all be seen through this thin, see-through skin. The body is becoming more in proportion as it catches up with the size of the head. Baby is around 3 inches in length and weighs nearly 1 oz!

Here's an artist's rendering of a 13 week fetus:

My first tummy shot (13 weeks 3 days), not a lot of contrast, but you can see it's getting there!
Today I am 14 weeks and baby has a lot of new tricks! Elle/Harvey can squint, grimace, frown, pee and even suck her/his thumb! The kidneys are producing urine which will continue to be excreted into the amniotic fluid until birth. My body eliminates all of the waste for baby at this point. The baby is stretching out to 3.5 inches and weighs in at about 1.5 ounces. The arms are nearing being in proportion with the body by the end of this week, and the neck is lengthening out as well. The downy hair called lanugo is starting to develop all over the body. Both the liver and the spleen are starting to function, making bile and helping in the production of red blood cells respectively. Baby is more active than ever now also, and I can't wait until I can start feeling the movements! It should be within the next couple of weeks!!!

I am still wearing my regular pants, although I will start switching to maternity pants soon I am sure. My pants still fit in the legs, and I'm pretty darn happy about that. Supposedly I've gained some weight, but I don't feel it or see it much. A little extra padding in around the waist I guess. Some days and some particular times during the day I really show, but other times not so much. After I eat I especially show! I feel good, I don't even feel pregnant. The only time I am reminded is when I go too long between eating, then I don't feel so well. I am also super thirsty still and I do tire a little easier than normal. I'm enjoying this transition time where I'm over the morning sickness and I'm not big or uncomfortable yet. But I do have to admit I look forward to the belly, I love it!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

12 weeks/10 weeks fetal age

I just want to note that it's getting harder and harder to find good pictures to post. They are either ambiguously labeled or else I am coming up with really disturbing abortion pictures when I search for pictures of the fetus. So, I'll probably still post some pictures, but they'll be more varied- cool ultrasound pictures I find, illustrations or possibly actual pictures of a fetus at the correct age.

Anyway, let's get to it! The most dramatic development of the week is reflexes! If I poke my belly it will make the little one squirm (although I can't feel it yet!) Very soon baby will start making sucking motions and may even find their thumb very shortly. Currently the intestines are growing outside of the body because of their rapid growth rate, but they will now start to grow inside of the abdomen. The kidneys will even begin to exrete urine to the bladder. Baby is unmistakeable human now, with eyes and ears in the correct position. The length is about 2 inches this week-approximately the length of a lemon.
I'm feeling well these days, pretty "normal" for the most part. I have a pretty high level of energy, which is great because I am on my feet most of the day running back-and-forth and around Meijer. My weight is still on track, I'm still wearing my regular pants. However I have gotten out my old maternity clothes and will be starting to wear the pants soon. The problem is that when I do have to sit for a while it starts to get very uncomfortable as the pants cut into my waist. Anyway, so far so good! I had my intake appointment at the OB/GYNResidency Clinic at Spectrum Health Butterworth yesterday and my first appointment with the actual doctor will be next Tuesday (St. Patty's Day!) I'll let you know how it goes and hopefully will know when my next ultrasound will be. If it's scheduled at least a month from now we'll be able to find out if it's Baby Elle or Baby Harvey in there!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

11 weeks LMP/9 weeks fetal age

Baby is about 1.5 inches long this week and is almost fully formed. The hands will soon be able to open and close into tiny fists and the tooth buds are even beginning to form beneath the gums. As some of the bones begin to harden, baby is busy kicking around and stretching and may even start having hiccups as the diaphragm is formed. (Aila had hiccups at least 5 times a day, it will be fun if Baby 2 does as well, it's so cool to feel!) Here's a picture to show just how much baby is beginning to look like a baby!

I am feeling pretty good in general these days. I still have my moments in the evening, but the sickness is really waning. Thank goodness, because as the sickness wanes my energy levels increase and I have sure needed the energy boost! Sometimes when I eat it really makes my belly stick out and I look pretty pregnant, but for the most part no one would be able to see any difference from the outside. I know how much my waist has changed though, my pants are definitely getting tighter. I'm really happy I haven't gained anywhere else though, I'm on a way better track this time around! I'm actually getting a little excited for the pregnant belly, I don't know why but I enjoy it (up until the end when the baby --Aila-- gains 3 pounds in a week and you suddenly feel like you're going to burst!)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

10 weeks LMP/8 weeks Fetal Age

Since I didn't update about Baby Meyer's development last week, I'll just do that for this week as well. I also found a spectacular picture of a baby at 9 weeks that I wanted to share. Last week the heart finished dividing into 4 chambers, and I was fortunate enough to see that strong little heart beating away! The face is unmistakeably human now; well defined nose and nostrils, lips and fully formed eyes that are covered by eyelids that will be fused shut for weeks to come. The ears even have tiny earlobes and are getting to the correct positioning on the side of the head. Also over the last week the placenta became developed enough to take over the task of hormone production. The external sex organs are even in place, but unfortunately undetectable on an ultrasound. In another 6 to 8 weeks or so if I were to have an ultrasound they would be able to tell if it's a boy or girl...

A 9 week fetus from an ectopic pregnancy taken by Dr. Uthman

Speaking of the whole boy/girl thing, Ross and I have officially decided on names!

If it is a girl she will be named Elle Jolie Meyer. This name means "beautiful woman." and both names are of French origin.

If it is a boy he will be named Harvey Jameson Meyer. Harvey means strong, ready for battle and James in Jameson means supplanter -- to succeed/take-over by strategem. Both names are of English origin.

We had always planned to name our son Jack if we had one, but it's just too popular these days. We have both loved the name Harvey, and it is the name of Ross' paternal grandfather. The James in Jameson is after my late Uncle James/Jamie. I love James, but we just preferred the way Harvey Jameson flowed. The name for a girl has definitely taken awhile. We both really liked the name Kaiya or Kaia and considered others, but ultimately fell in love with Elle. It's simple, elegant, and appropriate for a little girl or a woman. We looked for middle names to go with Elle for a while and when I suggested Jolie and told him the meaning, he agreed on the nice flow it had with Elle as well as the great meaning.
Now that Elle/Harvey is 10 weeks, all of the basic physiology is in place and now baby will start to grow pretty rapidly and put on some weight! Baby is now beginning the so-called Fetal Period and ending the Embryonic Period of development. Over the past week baby has gone from about the length of a grape to the length of a kumquat. While last Wednesday, baby was almost exactly 3/4 of an inch, baby will be breaking the one inch mark this week! At the 8 week mark baby started making its first movements, but by now baby can kick and bend its limbs and even swallow fluid. Baby is much too small for me to feel yet, but in the next 6 weeks or so I predict I'll start feeling movement. I first felt quickening with Aila when I was about 15 and a half weeks. Amazing things are happening with baby, as the vital organs are becoming more highly developed and starting to function. For instance, the liver is now making red blood cells as opposed to the yolk sac, which is starting to disappear. The fingers and toes are well-defined now, no more webbing -- and they are even growing tiny little nails!

OK, I have to say it...still a bit alien-like, but definitely getting there!

I have started to feel pretty darn good. The sickness is waning more and more, going from only an evening spell over the last week, to very little if at all in the past few days. I have been very concious of what I eat, fighting the cravings and making healthy choices for snacks. I do have to eat snacks because the key to not feeling sick is keeping my stomach from becoming empty. I have been cooking a lot more now that we're getting our house together and everything in its place and eating a lot of fresh fruit and veggies. I have been busy with the house so that has kept me on my feet, along with chasing Aila around of course! My body has definitely changed rapidly over the past few weeks. I'm not "showing" yet of course, but my waist is thickening and my clothes are fitting differently-not in my legs or arms though which is a good thing, only in my waist! I am determined to gain a much more healthy amount of weight this time around. Anyway, I am still peeing much of my day and night away, and getting more and more used to that again, but it's a definite con of pregnancy if you ask me! I've been "living it up" with my body while I can, bending over to touch my feet, stretching, laying on my stomach just because I can and enjoying not having a draft coming from the bottom of my t-shirt! I know that belly is going to creep up on me before I know it!