Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Arrival of Baby Elle Jolie Meyer
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Week 37

Friday, July 24, 2009
31 Weeks

Here's a picture of the bedding again:

Thursday, July 16, 2009
30 weeks
I am feeling large and pregnant at this point! People aren't telling me that I'm small anymore either...I still have 10 weeks or so to go and I already have people asking me if I'm ready to pop soon! People really can be kind of annoying, the worst comment is, "Oh, you still have the WHOLE summer left." I donno, it's just kind of annoying. I actually enjoy being pregnant in the summer, Aila and I have been going for as many walks and trips to the park as possible and trying to enjoy the weather. I'm still able to do my 3 mile walk a few times a week, so until I can't do that I don't have much to complain about. Getting comfortable at night is getting increasingly harder, and my back is starting to hurt after being at work for a few hours. It was especially brutal this week, as I had to work 9 days in a row. I'm just generally tired all of the time, but I can still push through it and do everything I need to do. Every now and then I get indigestion and heart burn, but it's not too bad (yet). Elle continues to be very active and as always, I enjoy that! I really feel good about being at 30 weeks. Chances of survival at any time after this point are very high, and just being in the 30s we're really in that final stretch! I can't believe I've been pregnant for over half a year!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
28 Weeks-3rd Trimester Begins!
By this week she weighs around 2 and a quarter pounds and measures 14.8 inches long. Her blinking eyelids now sport eyelashes. She may now be able to see some of the light that filters through my belly. Her brain continues rapid neuron development and she is adding more and more body fat.
She sure is a strong little thing, and I continue to enjoy her continuous movements. Rather than moving away when you poke her like Aila did, Elle likes to push right on back. She squirms around in protest if my bladder gets too full or if I lay on my side and put pressure on her, she likes her space and I don't blame her! It's only going to continue to get more and more cramped! I was realizing today that I have yet to develop the linea negra that most women get when they are pregnant. I did get it with Aila's pregnancy, I wonder if it will still happen. Anyway, I'm feeling great, Aila and I even went for a 3 mile walk the other day. The worst part for me is the restless leg syndrome. Sometimes it is unbearable at night when I am trying to get to sleep and I toss and turn over and over. There's not much you can do for it either, except try to stretch or walk it out, but it is so hard when you're tired and just trying to get to sleep. I definitely won't miss those horrible sensations! Tuesday I have my 28 week appointment, and until 36 weeks I'll now be going bi-weekly. I have hopefully a maximum of 9 check-up appointments left, but who's counting?
Thursday, June 25, 2009
27 weeks

Here's the 6 month mark belly shot, still pretty small!
25 weeks
This week she was about 1.5 lbs and 13.5 inches long. The baby fat began developing this week, which smooths out the thin, wrinkly skin. At this point hair texture and color was discernable.
26 weeks
As the network of nerves in the ears continued to develop, this week marked the point when she may have began hearing voices outside of the womb, so not only my voice, but possibly Ross' as well. She continued to inhale and exhale small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is critical for lung development. These breathing movements are also good practice for when she finally takes her first breath of air. The fat continus accumulation under the skin, and weight was a pound and two thirds, while her length was about 14 inches.
27 weeks
This week she is nearing 2 pounds and is about 14.5 inches long from head to toe. She is sleeping and waking at regular intervals (which I can't tell, because it seems she moves constantly.) She is now opening and closing her eyes, and even sucking on her fingers. With more brain tissue developing, her brain is now very active.
In the past week my stomach has really popped. I've been measuring normally at each doctor's visit, but I have felt really small. People were always commenting on how they couldn't believe I was 6 months along because my belly was so little, but that quickly changed overnight it seemed! I am still pretty comfortable, but all I can say is I "feel pregnant." I am much more aware of the growing bump and its weight. I'm getting to the point where it's getting more and more difficult to get comfortable at night and get to sleep. I absolutely can't lay on my back, it's not comfortable at all, and even rolling over from side-to-side is harder. I still have a ways to go though, and I am definitely still enjoying my fair amount of mobility. I can still shave my legs, reach my feet and bend over fairly easily, so I'm happy. Elle moves so much, and I absolutely love it. She is always adjusting and doing who knows what in there. It's really obvious when she changes position now, as she's getting bigger and bigger. My belly flattens out and gets so much smaller when her back is against mine. Then when she has her back to one side, you can see the uneven bulge. If her back is against my stomach, I am really sticking out then! I just really notice how much I change shape, sometimes I have a tiny little ball, other times i have a big torpedo belly. From time-to-time I am experiencing heartburn, which is not fun. Colostrum has started developing in the past couple of weeks, but it's not bothersome. I must say, I definitely enjoyed my break, but I will definitely breastfeed again. 89 days to go...I can't believe it. So far so good, just normal, healthy and uneventful, just the way we want it. I can't wait to meet Miss Elle, every day I am getting more and more excited for that day in September. We have so much to do before then! I've really had to fight off some of those nesting instincts, because we're just not at a point where we can really concentrate on a new nursery just yet. Soon enough though, it's flying by so fast!!!!