Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Ross and I found out on Monday, January 19th that Miss Aila May is going to be a big sister! As of today, Thursday the 22nd, we figure I am about 5 weeks LMP or 3 weeks fetal age. This means that Baby Meyer #2 is about 0.05 inches long right now and is just beginning to develop a plate that will later become the heart. The central nervous system, muscle and bone formation are beginning to take shape along with the skeleton. At this point in my pregnancy with Aila I had already had morning sickness/all-the-time sickness for 2 whole weeks! So far, with this one I have felt great. I have been exercising, taking vitamins, and eating well. I am still breastfeeding Aila so a ravenous hunger has taken over, as I am in need of many additional calories now that I am sustaining two babies! I also cannot consume enough water and I have to pee all of the time! Darn hormones! I have had an insatiable craving for oranges, which I find really strange because with Aila I couldn't get enough ice cream! This is starting out as a healthier pregnancy for me, so I am looking forward optimistically. I have to say that I already feel like it is a boy, I have no rhyme or reason to that, I just know that as soon as I found out I was pregnant with Aila I knew it was a girl. We shall see...

1 comment:

  1. it's a boy. i know it's a boy. little jack beth (or as charles suggests jack bauer) meyer.
